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Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 5:31 AM

City's future hangs in balance as election filing period begins in San Marcos

Week one is in the books. Filing for political office … I’m not sure why anyone would want to.

Week one is in the books. Filing for political office … I’m not sure why anyone would want to.

But there are those brave souls out there who are on a mission. Some, with a servant’s heart and a clear desire to help make their community better. Still, others are on a mission, but what that is remains unclear. Uncertainty is the name

Uncertainty is the name of the game these days and as folks prepare to pick a horse in the political race come November, you’d better consider one thing. San Marcos’ future.

I’ve been working in San Marcos going on three years of my 38 years in newspaper publishing. What’s apparent to me is an obvious lack of will to make this town what it could be.

It’s frustrating. Interstate 35 acts as a huge conduit between two large metro areas where growth and development should be a no-brainer. Throw in a great school system, run by a superintendent with a giant heart for education, and you have the makings for something special.

Let’s not forget our chief amenity, and possibly our number one tourist attraction, the San Marcos River. The place where people can decompress from life’s stresses.

But as wonderful as it all sounds, we still have a decision to make, and that’s to get some folks on the city council with a vision to strengthen the local economy. I’m fed-up with counselors that believe we shouldn’t have an airport “Because it’s for rich white people to fly their planes into.” Or a council member that relishes in the fact it's fun to vote against developers, “They’re all the same, white and wearing a blue blazer.”

When it comes time, we need to get rid of those types of short-sighted council people holding back on the reigns of prosperity for San Marcos. I’ve seen too many times already project-after-project fall by the wayside because of plain old fear. Fear that something is going to happen to change the landscape of our community. Wake up people, it already has, and it continues with gusto as long as good men and women sit idly by and do nothing when it comes to considering running for office.

I too am afraid. I’m afraid that the goose that continues to lay golden eggs around us in the form of economic benefits may take flight, never to return if we don’t take advantage of it.

So, if you’re considering running for office – DO IT! If you want our city to grow and have good paying jobs, throw your hat into the ring. Our very future depends on it.



Twitter: @LanceWinter


San Marcos Record